Genetic testing
Everyone wants to enjoy good health and wishes health to his or her loved ones; however, the reality is not always obedient to our desires. We are often accompanied by a variety of ailments, including genetic disorders. The good news is that from now on you will be able to order genetic research in Lithuania as well.
The close collaboration between Grožio Akademija and Laboratoires Réunis will provide the possibility to find out if you have a predisposition to certain genetic disorders that have occurred in your family.
The decision of the famous actress Angelina Jolie to perform a bilateral mastectomy not only surprised but also inspired many: “I want to encourage every woman, especially if you have a family history of breast or ovarian cancer, to seek out the information and medical experts who can help you. I choose not to keep my story private because there are many women who do not know that they might be living under the shadow of cancer. It is my hope that they, too, will be able to get gene tested, and that if they have a high risk they, too, will know that they have strong options”. (Source: https://www.nytimes.com)
So, by undergoing genetic testing, you will prevent diseases that you may face in the future. Take care of yourself and your loved ones – it is invaluable.

Genetic testing has been carried out for more than 50 years by Laboratoires Réunis, the first laboratory to be ISO 15189 accredited in Luxembourg. Genetic tests are also received by Laboratoires Réunis from other countries, including Lithuania. Fast, accurate, and high-quality scientific gene analysis helps finding out whether you have a predisposition to certain diseases and how they can be prevented.
Laboratoires Réunis

“Starter” preventive genetic test
The BRAINgen test analyses genetic polymorphisms known to be involved in the development of Alzheimer’s disease as well as its possible underlying causes such as lipid metabolic disorders and other metabolic disorders and inflammatory processes. BRAINgen test reduces the relative risk through preventive measures.
Gynaecology and oncology
Preventive genetic against sporadic breast cancer. The polymorphisms studied in the test play an important role in oestrogen metabolism and the detoxification of oestrogen metabolites. The FEMgen test is recommended for women before starting hormone replacement therapy and for those with a family history of breast cancer.
Preventive genetic test against sporadic prostate cancer. PROSTATEgen test recommendations are based on polymorphisms affecting dihydrotestosterone levels and five other genetic variations which play an important role in the early stages of carcinogenesis. The PROSTATEgen test is recommended for people with a family history of prostate cancer.
Dermatology and gastroenterology
Genetic test for the analysis and prevention of phase I and II detoxification. The DETOXgen profile analyses key genes involved in the catabolism processes of drugs and xenobiotics such as insecticides, herbicides, nicotine, alcohol and carcinogenic substrates. DETOXgen is highly recommended as a baseline profile for anti-wrinkle procedures and improves detoxification capacity for the prevention of environmental diseases.
Ageing prevention
Preventive genetic test against skin ageing. This profile analyses the processes and metabolic pathways such as detoxification, inflammation, oxidative stress and epidermal integrity and individualised recommendations are provided. SKINgen helps you protect and improve your skin health capacities.
Ageing prevention
Genetic test for weight control. Metabolic pathways and physiological parameters analysed in this panel are related to adipogenesis, anthropometry, appetite control, energy expenditure, lipid metabolism and inflammation processes. Personalised recommendations of WEIGHTgen can help to manage your weight.
Ageing prevention
Complete preventive genetic profile dedicated to anti-ageing. The Well-being profile covers detoxification capacities, cardiovascular diseases, skin, dental and bone health, weight management, physical and mental fitness. The results of the test provide personalised recommendations on nutrition, diet, food supplements and lifestyle habits. The Well-being test should be taken by anyone who cares about his or her health and who wants to invest in it; individualised recommendations allow effectively slowing down the ageing processes.
Gastroenterology and oncology
Preventive genetic test against sporadic colorectal carcinoma. The polymorphisms studied in the COLOgen profile target an important metabolic pathway that is particularly important for cell growth, proliferation, and apoptosis. The COLOgen is recommended to individuals with a family history of colorectal cancer or of cases of intestinal polyps.
Preventive genetic test against androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness). The ALOPECIAgen profile analyses the androgen receptors and three other polymorphisms involved in the development of androgenetic alopecia. The ALOPECIAgen test allows distinguishing between three different risk groups before the occurrence of the first symptoms. Depending on the risk group and the patient’s gender, treatment with minoxidil and/or finasteride or other products to be selected by the doctor may be recommended. Recommendations on nutrition according to genetics and on lifestyle contribute to the prevention of alopecia.
and others