Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation
For many women, the breast area is the defining characteristic of their femininity and sexuality or an essential part of it. However, not all of them feel satisfied with the breasts they are genetically endowed with. What is more, women’s bodies sooner or later begin to change due to various factors of life, losing their familiar contours. This may lead to heightened self-consciousness and lower self-esteem: the sight in the mirror gives you a sinking feeling, you feel uncomfortable wearing a swimsuit…
A plastic surgery on the breasts may be the answer to your dreams, endowing you with the most important of outcomes and the defining characteristic of beauty – the sense of self-confidence. People seek breast augmentation when they feel their natural breast volume is too small or that their breasts lost their firmness and shape following weight loss, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.
The way in which fat transfer breast augmentation differs from breast augmentation with implants is that the same outcome, namely, roundness and volume, is achieved via natural means. What is more, the very same procedure can not only enhance the breasts but also reduce undesired fat deposits in selected areas of the body, such as the waist, belly, back, or thighs.
Roundness and volume
– achieved via natural means!
How is the surgical procedure performed?
The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia. The fat is taken for from the problematic areas of the body with the thickest layer of subcutaneous fat, such as the waist, belly, thighs, or back. Small incisions are created in the areas select for liposuction and a small cannula inserted for suctioning the fat, which is later to be transferred to the desired area. Thanks to the unique liposuction and grafting equipment used at our clinic and our highly experienced surgeons, most of the transferred fat is successfully integrated into the body, which readily accepts them, with a small proportion of transferred cells, i.e. those that failed to survive, naturally breaking apart, being absorbed by the body and gradually eliminated from it.
Due to its multiple stages, the procedure lasts longer than breast augmentation with implants and takes around 2 to 3 hours to complete.
Breast augmentation with implants is the right procedure for you if you:
– Are aged 18 or older;
– Are not pregnant and not breastfeeding;
– Are not experiencing health disorders;
– Seek to enhance the shape of your breasts;
– Have realistic expectations.
What you should know about the post-operative period:
• Patients will experience swelling of the breast for 4 to 5 weeks;
• The final outcome appears within 3 to 4 months, when the transferred fat cells become fully integrated;
• The sites of implanted fat tissue cannot be massaged for about a month;
• Physical activity and exercise should be avoided for 2 to 4 weeks;
• The volume of the implanted fat is affected by changes in the patient’s body weight: the volume decreases as a result of weight loss.
Breast augmentation results